The Book of Atheist Spirituality
- Introduction to Spirituality without God
- André Comte-Sponville
Can we do without religion? Can we have ethics without God? Is there such thing as 'atheistic spirituality'? In this powerful book, franch philosopher and internationally bestselling author André Comte-Sponville presents a philosophical exploration of atheism and reaches startling conclusions. The Book of Atheist Spirituality is the answer to current phenomena and controversies of our time and to the recent "return of the religiousness" issue which has become a certain Vulgate of our days. In this sense, the renewed debate is not only about the various manifestations of religious phenomena, but it is also on matters of religions principle and more or less radical opposites. There is no doubt that atheism, in its various statements and philosophical starting points, is one of the most important and most constant contrary companions of religious institutions, beliefs and teachings.
Through clear, concise, and often humorous prose, The Book of Atheist Spirituality offers a convincing appeal for a new form of spiritual life, one that at its heart celebrates the human need to connect to one another and the universe.
André Comte-Sponville is a French philosopher born in Paris in 1952. He studied in the École Normale Supérieure, and works as a proponent of atheism and materialism, but in a particular form, because of his spiritualistic aim. The most important aspect of his work is an overcoming of traditional materialistic atheism in a perspective of post-materialism, because he demonstrates a spiritualization of atheism. He has also written for the prominent French newspapers such as Le Monde, Liberation, Le Nouvel Observateur, L'Evénement du Jeudi, L'Express, and he has edited three volumes of Revue Internationale de Philosophie dedicated to Montaigne, Pascal and Alain.
- ISBN: 978-953-8075-14-8
- Year of the edition: 2016
- Number of pages: 176
- Cover: paperback
- Original title: L'esprit de l'athéisme. Introduction à une spiritualité sans dieu
- Original language: French
- Translation: Rade Kalanj
- Dimensions: 142x205 mm
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