Nobility of spirit (2nd edition)
- The forgotten ideal
- Rob Riemen
TIM press is pleased to announce a second edition of the book by Rob Riemen Nobility of spirit. The forgotten ideal. After a great success of the 2010 edition, we are publishing a new expanded edition of the book with additional author's preface written especially for TIM press.
Rob Riemen, the founder and president of prominent Nexus Institute which brings together intellectuals from all around the world and keeps the discussion on substantive issues that the man faces today, wrote a book in which he invites the intellectual elite to detach from postmodernism and its blasé attitude.
In November 1943, publisher and humanist of Italian-Jewish origin, Leone Ginzburg, writes a letter to his young wife, Natalia, from the Roman state prison. A few days earlier he was arrested by the Nazis because of his engagement in the resistance newspaper. Ginzburg ends his letter with "Be brave", and despite the torture and the fear for his own life, he tries to stay as brave as Socrates was. This letter will be his last trace. Ginzburg had to pay his struggle against fascism with his life. And his life, in the service of humanity and of European civilization ideals, is a worthy example of what Rob Riemen calls the "nobility of spirit".
With impressive conversations and stories, Riemen takes us from Socrates and Spinoza to Nietzsche, Thomas Mann and other great minds, arguing passionately and persuasively for classical humanistic values found in the encouragement of the growth of the human soul, in the constant search for truth, in courage to be wise ourselves.
Nobility of spirit is a little masterpiece and a handbook for the intellectuals in these turbulent times, as well as an invitation to a truly unique walk through the world literature. It is an essential book for a reader in search of wisdom and answers to the big questions of our time, which are, in fact, as old as man himself.
Rob Riemen, essayist and cultural philosopher, is the founder of the Nexus Institute, an international center dedicated to intellectual thinking and aencouragement of the Western cultural and philosophical debate. He is the editor in chief and founder of Nexus magazine, launched in 1991. Riemen is also the author of several books: Nobility of Spirit. The Forgotten Ideal (2008), translated into more than twenty languages, Eternal Return of Fascism (2010), The University of Life (2014) and The Return of Europa. Her Tears, Deeds and Dreams (2015). All of Riemen's books are published in Croatia.
- ISBN: 978-953-8075-07-0
- Year of the edition: 2016
- Number of pages: 136
- Cover: paperback
- Original title: Adel van de geest. Een vergeten ideaal
- Original language: Dutch
- Translation: Snježana Cimić
- Dimensions: 120x200 mm
Nacional, June 23, 2015
Večernji list (Branimir Pofuk), June 4th, 2016
Nacional, Aug 9th, 2016
tportal.hr, May 18th, 2017
Večernji list (Branimir Pofuk), May 27th, 2017
Novi list (Tihomir Ponoš), June 10th, 2017
Novi list (Tihomir Ponoš), Oct 192013
Novi list (Tatjana Gromača). Aug 21st, 2011
Written with great elegance, erudition and professionalism, a unique understanding of the fundamental problems, virtues and shortcomings of our time.
Ivan Klima
The Book by Rob Riemen is a miracle. Roaming the spiritual world. From Socrates to Goethe. From Spinoza to Thomas Manna. From the destruction of the Jews to September 11.
Jacques Attali
These essays are of immense value in the face of major political and cultural problems - as well as ideological disputes - of the present world.
Mario Vargas Llosa
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