Jean-Claude Monod

Jean-Claude Monod (1970) is a professor at the renowned Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure and head of research at the CNRS (National Research Center) in Paris. Qu’est-ce qu’un chef en démocratie? Politiques du charisme, published in France in 2012, is one of his most important works, primarily because of contributions to the development of sociology, political science and political philosophy, as well as author's critical scientific thinking about the phenomena of leadership and political charisma. He has published works: Foucault (1997.); La Querelle de la secularisation: Theologie politique et philosophie de l’histoire de Hegel a Blumenberg (2002. i 2012.); Penser l’ennemi, affronter l’exception: Reflexions critiques sur l’actualite de Carl Schmitt (2006.); Hans Blumenberg (2007.) i Secularisation et laicite (2007.). Qu’est-ce qu’un chef en démocratie? Politiques du charisme is first Monod's book published in Croatia.

Image source: Wikipedia, Aymeric De La Toune