The World Upside Down

The World Upside Down

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In Remko van Broekhoven’s The World Upside Down, evil, in the form of the seven deadly sins ‒ pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth ‒ is the staring point of an interesting search for the source of human sinfulness, a search that begins from ourselves. The author recognizes these sins in the modern world torn by poverty, growing inequality and ecological crises, and, reinterpreting them philosophically, shows how all of them also contain virtues. But how can we reach them and turn evil into good?

By citing examples from politics, culture, and everyday life, Van Broekhoven helps us see sins in a new light and offers us the philosophical tools needed to improve the world we live in.

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If we wish to successfully deal with evil, we must think about it more profoundly and more deeply, that is to say philosophize. In this book, we will question what is good, what evil could be, and why we sometimes do evil, but want to do good, or at least claim we do. We will ask ourselves in what measure do evil and good lurk inside of us, or come from the outside. And how we might more often reach good from evil, without needing or always being able to. I am not offering absolute truths and all-encompassing regulations, I am rather going on a search for the answers for each of these questions with the help of philosophers who had preceded me. My arguments, based on logic, facts and examples, won’t finalize the debate on good and evil, but that is in itself the last thing I would hope for.

Remko van Broekhoven

  • ISBN: 978-953-369-006-3
  • Dimensions: 128 × 200 mm
  • Number of pages: 200
  • Cover: paperback
  • Year of the edition: 2022
  • Original title: De wereld omgekeerd. Hoe de filosofie je helpt goed om te gaan met het kwaad
  • Original language: Dutch
  • Translation: Snježana Cimić