Davor Ivo Stier

Davor Ivo Stier was born in 1972 in Buenos Aires. He graduated in political science and international relations at the Catholic University of Buenos Aires, and at the same university he also graduated in journalism. He then graduated from the Diplomatic Academy in Zagreb and was accepted into the Croatian diplomatic service in 1996. Among other things, he worked in the Croatian embassy in the USA and in the Permanent Mission to the NATO alliance in Brussels. As an advisor to the Prime Minister for foreign policy, and then as a special envoy of the Prime Minister for Euro-Atlantic cooperation, he worked on the completion of negotiations for the full membership of the Republic of Croatia in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union.
He was a member of the European Parliament and the main negotiator of the European People's Party in the Development Committee. He is the winner of The Parliament Magazine MEP Award 2015 for the best representative in the field of development policy. Before the election to the European Parliament, he was a member of the Croatian Parliament and vice president of the Foreign Policy Committee. From 2010 to 2014, he was also the international secretary of the HDZ, and from 2016 to 2017, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs. He is now the vice-president of the Parliamentary Committee for Interparliamentary Cooperation and the vice-president of the Club of Representatives of the European People's Party at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
During the Homeland War, he was a correspondent for the Argentine Radio America and the daily newspaper El Cronista. He was awarded the Order of Duke Branimir for promoting political dialogue and cooperation in the European Parliament. He is married and the father of three children. He lives with his family in Samobor.

Image source: Wikipedia/Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres