The Devil is in the Detail
- Discourse and image in politics
- Nikolina Borčić
A scientific analysis of public communication using an approach based on the interrelationship of communication and linguistic theory along with a presentation of practical research into the image of public figures and relevant topics are the main features of the book The Devil is in the Detail. Discourse and image in politics. In five chapters, the author Nikolina Borčić provides a theoretical framework and examples of the use of language patterns, communication strategies and political strategic frameworks with an emphasis on the political linguistic perspective. By using several different theoretical-methodological levels and their interrelationships and based on the presentation of the subject of analysis of the political, that is, public image, conclusions are offered, as well as examples of created images from recent practice. At the same time, the analysis of the language level is a special contribution of the work, because most of the Croatian literature in the field of communication and public communication mainly deals with the description of communication strategies, without an in-depth presentation of language characteristics.
By choosing examples and their critical analysis, the author will raise the level of expectations regarding the content of public speech, which is one of the goals of critical reflection and media literacy in the era of trivialization and extravagance of politics. The theoretical background and selected examples make this book accessible not only to members of the academic community, scientists and researchers, but also to a wider readership. The Devil is in the Detail also serves as a reminder that the scientific approach to language and communication should be a stimulus for the development of practical tools for critical thinking.
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Language is an instrument of power that, depending on the intention and context of use, reveals but also hides who we are and what we represent. Linguistics and communication cannot stop pretences, lies and other expressions, but they can offer insights into naming, describing and creating meaning. Details related to language behavior can serve as an incentive in building critical listening and understanding. Ultimately, the devil is in the detail.
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This book is the result of the author's long-term scientific and professional study of linguistic and communication theories and the analysis of their application in practice. The author's main intention is to encourage the public to discuss the methods and possibilities of creating a political image and managing it. Encouraging individuals to think critically about the political image affects the expectations of the quality of public communication in Croatia. Conscious citizens recognize not only ambiguous communication and manipulation, but value and content based on verifiable data and results, and consequently set higher standards for politicians regarding the quality of communication. In the age of the global trend of trivialization and ostracization of politics, this book stands as a reminder of the power of language in creating and deconstructing images.
doc. dr. sc. Ivona Čulo
- ISBN: 978-953-369-034-6
- Dimensions: 128 x 190 mm
- Number of pages: 144
- Cover: paperback
- Year of the edition: 2023
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