Any reflection on the strike touches on the core of labor law that distinguishes it from civil law, the essence of clearly expressed collective interests of workers who appear in the employment relationship, the power that these workers have and can use to realize their interests and demands. Thinking about the specifics of labor law undoubtedly leads to those topics that are so specific to labor law: the diversity of interests in labor relations, the immanent disparity of economic power of the parties in employment, connecting workers to the collective to relativize this disparity and, finally, the strike, lock out for the employers, as a means by which one or the other party in a fully escalated labor dispute, at the cost of the greatest economic risk, imposes its interests. The strike, to that extent, appears as a peculiarity of labor law and labor relations, a peculiarity which is often the main association with the mention of labor law or labor relations.
- ISBN: 953-7177-03-3
- Number of pages: 124
- Cover: paperback
- Year of the edition: 2005