Ari Turunen

Ari Turunen, born in 1966 in Helsinki, graduated from the field of social sciences. He has written six popular books on behavior, superstition, lies, resistance, and opiates, full of vivid anecdotes about patterns of human behavior, while at the same time informative and entertaining. Turunen explains the causes of human behavior in a humorous way. For twenty years he worked as a scientific editor, and in radio shows he held numerous lectures on the history of culture and worldview. He is currently in charge of communications within a major science project covering 19 countries, funded by the European Union. Some of his popular books are Humalan henki, eli, Juomatapojen tarina (1999), Ei onnistu! Jälkiviisasta vastustamisen historiaa (2001), Ettekö te tiedä, kuka minä olen: Ylimielisyyden historiaa (2010), Historian kukoistavimmat kaupungit – Eli miten erilaisuuden sietäminen synnyttää vaurautta ja sivistystä (2015).

Image source: fotografije: ABF